This is an important time to be AWARE that Tai Chi’s purpose is to move invigorating and healing energy (qi) in and around our bodies. We can use our INTENTION to direct this qi where we desire. Here are some thoughts for giving yourself a “Tai Chi Flu Shot!” Be aware of situations to avoid, such as crowds or people that are sick. Use intention to maintain positive qi flow by practicing your form daily

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Setting My Intent

Lately I’ve been paying careful attention to how I set my intent for practicing form.  Early on when I began to learn about energy psychology and energy healing, I was taught the importance of  setting an intent for any given energy undertaking.  By being clear about intent, both tone and focus are immediately set in motion.  There may be various ways to define intent but I think of it as an alignment of mind, body

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Be a Warrior

It’s a great time to become a warrior woman or man. In Tai Chi, the warrior journey starts with the Wu Chi stance, where you relax into “nothingness” (not into “nothing” … a big difference). It is when you relax your body and mind so you can “hear”, “feel” and “experience” your inner spirit. It’s how you prepare your being for the “moving meditation” of tai chi.  Historically, tai chi was practiced in secret, within families (thus Yang

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In the Moment

Coming from a place of . . . to standing my ground.At what point between where I came fromto who I am, right now, do I decide?And when “right now” leaves – will my decisions follow?And what is “right” now? For how long? And why? I’m sure, when new blossoms and ideasgrab my attention; and hold me in their beautyin their own good time; and while they last.When catching sight of wild life; and in

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How Tai Chi Prevents Falls

A number of studies indicate that seniors and those with other health challenges, including Parkinson’s Disease, fall less frequently if they learn tai chi. So, what is it about tai chi that helps prevent falls? It’s definitely more than just improved balance. Greater Leg Strength. Practicing tai chi helps develop greater muscle strength, which helps substantially in avoiding falls. Many people spend a lot of time sitting these days, which causes leg muscles to atrophy.

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A Teaching Moment Presents Itself

June 29, 2020 During a Tai Chi class it began to sprinkle outside. As I watched through the window, the drops collected and formed a trickle down the patio to the curb. I invited the class to join me on the patio to see how following nature can be a lesson in Tai Chi. We discussed how a collection of rain drops are like components of a posture. When enough postures are achieved, they make

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Spirals in Tai Chi

Spirals are circles that move energy (qi) for gathering and releasing.  Spiraling connects yin and yang. Spirals connect to dan tians.Spirals are energy driven rather than muscle driven.Spiraling is a joining of heaven qi and earth qi.Spirals require relaxation of the body and mind so they can connect.  Spirals coil and twist the energy externally and internally. Spirals are shown in the legs, as in: something goes up, something comes down.  Spirals are shown in

“It should be understood that Tai Chi is a highly individual art and no two masters, even at the same school, will perform it in exactly the same way.”  Lu Hui Ching The following protocols are intended to clarify the attitudes behaviors and performance standards that define the culture of our Tai Chi community: Model the code of honor are respect for self and for others in class and beyond.  Do not interrupt during lessons.

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Many Tai Chi Hands

Hands play a powerful role in form and their relationship to eyes and intention. We learn early on in our journey that our hands hold and show our chi, and our eyes express our intention on where and how we will direct the chi. We also come to realize through practice that hands assume many different energy directed shapes and positions throughout form, and that any hand change is highly energy charged.  Every hand turn

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Chen Style Ethics in Tai Chi

In Chen style Tai Chi form there are ten moral codes to guide students.  Since the Yang family form developed from the Chen form, these moral codes are relevant to the Yang practitioner and other forms practiced as well.  They are timeless and unlimited in their application. 1.  Choose a TeacherTo choose a teacher requires patience, discernment, commitment, dedication and perseverance from a student. The skills required to find the right teacher are the same

For the past year, I have been reflecting on the heart of the teachings I received from Master Pao Peter Lee, and share the following; The form is a pathway to self awareness and personal growth. To learn the discipline of form is to learn the discipline of self. Beyond the technique of form lies the true spirit of the form. The teacher is responsible for transmitting both the technique and the spirit of the

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Tai Chi for Recovery

Tai Chi is an ancient practice that incorporates body, mind and spirit. It is well known for its role in stress reduction and improved balance by blending body movements with mindful and spirit- filled intention. Tai Chi soothes the body, calms the mind and fills the spirit.  In today’s rapidly paced society, Tai Chi is a healthy outlet for dealing with stress and tension during any kind of recovery. It changes lives by changing the

Students often ask about the differences between Tai Chi and qi gong, and the relationship between yoga and Tai Chi. This is understandable since they are all internal energy practices to varying degrees. And they are usually grouped together in one classification for scientific research purposes, along with moving meditation and healing touch. That is probably because they all focus on using energy to modify the body rather than more traditional quantifiable means. Tai Chi

The Chinese developed a complex cohesive system of relationships between the body organs, our emotions, the elements of the planet, and the five directions. They are additional relationships with colors, tastes, the seasons, the planets, and animals. For the practitioner of Tai Chi, it is especially worthy to note the core relationships between directions, body organs, emotions and the elements, since they are directly related to the circulation of chi throughout the body, and having

Traditional Tai Chi Practice has been passed through many generations from the teacher to the student, firmly embedded in principle, and strongly dedicated to the preservation of its origin. More modern practices of Tai Chi form have developed for health or other reasons, with little no connection to, or awareness of, its family lineage and the ancient traditions. Traditional Tai Chi is grounded in respect for self, respect for others, and respect for the Master

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My Father Pao Peter Lee

My father was born in Beijing on December 12, 1917. He would have been 98 this year. He was raised in the province of Wuhan. It is there he began training with his father, Linzhang Li, who died when he was a young man. Being the only son, my father worked to take care of his sisters and mother. He later moved to Chongquing where he met my mother, Fung Tsen Yee. They married sometime

The Tai Chi community is developing a clearer understanding of the difference between internal and external Tai Chi practice. External practice Importance of physical movementDevelops sinews, bones and skinEmphasizes and values techniqueUses physical power to manage body movementMore Yang focused on what you can seeDischarge of power is localized and visiblePower is channeled upward toward the handsUses dynamic movement to controlEnd goal is the control of others Internal Practice Develops ChiEmphasizes and values the movement

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Ten Principles of Yang Chen Fu

The Ten Principles of Yang Chen Fu are will known throughout the world of Tai Chi and are considered foundational to the practice of Tai Chi. Suspend head from above. Sink chest to raise back. Relax waist. Differentiate substantial from insubstantial. Sink shoulders and point elbows down. Use mind intention, not force. Upper and lower together. Inner and outer in harmony. No interruption in movement. Feel stillness in action. These principles address the two essential

Tony and Lu attended a five day conference with 400 others in Albuquerque, New Mexico in late September to dialogue with indigenous leaders from numerous cultures on the ancient teachings related to the future of humanity on planet earth. The goal of the conference was to rebirth a wisdom consciousness based on the natural rhythms of the earth at this co-creative moment in time to return the world to a natural order of peace and